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Breaking and mending has become  a huge part of life


Title: Mending the broken


Question: What are the techniques that can be used to mend what used to be broken, do these mending’s need to be flawless or are they embellishing and celebrating what’s broken and giving it a new status/life?


This all began with a little fuzz and a whole lot of buzz. The deeper I researched the more interested I instantly became in the different possibilities that can be achieved from the way destroyed things can be mended/repaired. At times we tend to dispose of anything that breaks especially when we lose hope in repairing it, in other cases, it can be buildings that have encountered natural disasters or man-made disasters that have turned these buildings into rubble. Merely existing.

What are the techniques that can be used to mend what used to be broken, do these mending’s need to be flawless or are they embellishing and celebrating what’s fractured and giving it a new status/life? Different materials need different methods of mending all depending strength and weakness of that particular material.

This journal will manifest the beginning stages of repairing something recyclable, to make use of the small things that may seem worthless when in reality if it were to disappear, we would be lost. We naturally tend to appreciate essential things after losing it. Therefore, mending something that seems worthless to most however valuable once lost will ultimately alter the mindset and maybe enable us to appreciate everything around us before losing it. Gradually moving to essential materials that are found broken/damaged like unwanted pieces that have been removed from a building. Then giving it a new life/structure by mending/repairing elements that may not seem compatible with each other and transforming it. Demonstrating mending techniques using these materials wood, steel, plastic, collages. As for destroying and rebuilding I will use a malleable material to portray different stages of building, destroying, and rebuilding. This will be shown through a quick motion video to show these stages.    

Keywords: Connection, mending, techniques, repair, broken


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